interrupt list การใช้
- Bhole, originally entitled " Black Hole ", was created by Ori Brost based largely on documents from Ralf Brown's Interrupt List.
- BTW this brings back good but nerdy memories of Ralf Brown's interrupt list ! talk ) 12 : 11, 8 September 2011 ( UTC)
- They can be found in various sources across the Internet, such as Ralf Brown's Interrupt List and at http : / / web . archive . org / web / 20101127004526 / http : / / www . sandpile . org : 80/
- :int 21h handler is provided by DOS . Ralf Brown's Interrupt List is useful for such things . 0B800h : 0 is the location of character mode memory of CGA-compatible graphics cards ( for graphical mode A000h : 0 is used ), it can be accessed with B800h in segment register, assuming real mode addressing . talk ) 17 : 41, 16 December 2008 ( UTC)